
CinematographerFor video/image info please check out my showcase tab and my TOS. You can view some of my portfolio here.I can't wait to work with you!

Terms Of Service

🕷 Payment is accepted through Paypal or Cashapp
🕷 Avi Package must be included for free
🕷 Please try to provide one model/dancer for the showcase! If needed I can try to find some but please ask beforehand, it is not always guaranteed that I can get someone.
🕷 Let me know what song and vibe you are going for, and send a picture of the avatar so I can assist in finding worlds if needed before we start.
🕷 Please do not ask me or message me about copying another person's style of editing.
🕷 Do not spam/harass/pressure me in dms. I will message you when your showcase is finished and aim to give you a finish date.
🕷 My workflow is typically 3-4 days to 1 week max unless otherwise stated!


Cinematic Showcases:
🕷 1 Minute - $50
🕷 2 Minutes - $60🕷 3 Minutes - $70🕷 Toggle Showcase - $55

I can also take product photos!Prices start at $20 for 15 pictures and
increase from there.